by Evert Klaseboer

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*N.W. Pacific Islands
*Nabha (India)
*Nandgaon (Nandgam India)
*Nanking (China)
*Naples (Italy) 1858 issue
*Naples 1860 issue
*Natal 1857-1901
*Natal 1874 issue
*Natal 1902 and miscellaneous
*Nawanagar (India)
*N.D. Hrvatska
*Ne. Sachs. Bohm D.S.E.G. Exped. Ab. Marke
*Neapolitan Provinces (Italy)
*Ned. Indie
*Negri Sembilan
*Netherlands 1852-1871
*Netherlands 1872-1897
*Netherlands 1898-1906
*Netherlands 1907-1924
*Netherlands 1925 onwards
*Netherlands Antilles
*Netherlands Miscellaneous
*Netherlands numeral cancels with dots
*Netherlands small circular cancels
*Netherlands Postage Due
*Netherlands Indies 1864-1900
*Netherlands Indies 1901-1920 and miscellaneous
*Netherlands Indies cancels
*Netherlands New Guinea
*Neuchatel (Switzerland)
*New Brunswick (Canada)
*New Caledonia 1859 Napoleon issue
*New Caledonia 1881-1892
*New Caledonia 1892-1906
*New Caledonia 1907-1920 and miscellaneous
*New Guinea
*New Hebrides
*New Republic
*New South Wales (Australia) 1849 issue (Sydney views)
*New South Wales 1851 issue (Victoria laureated)
*New South Wales 1854-60 issue
*New South Wales 1856-1903
*New South Wales Miscellaneous
*New Zealand 1855-1897
*New Zealand 1898-1920
*New Zealand Fiscals
*New Zealand Miscellaneous
*Newfoundland (Canada) 1857-1896
*Newfoundland 1897-1920
*Newfoundland Postal Stationery and Fiscal stamps
*Newfoundland, forgeries of the first issue
*Newfoundland, forgeries of the second issue, 2 p, 4 p, 6 p
*Newfoundland, forgeries of the second issue, 6 1/2 p, 8 p, 1 Sh
*Nezavisna Drzava Hrvatska
*NGR Parcels stamp (Natal)
*Nicaragua 1862-1899
*Nicaragua 1900-1920
*Nicaragua Fiscal stamps
*Nicaragua miscellaneous
*Nieske (Alwin); stamp forger
*Niger Coast
*'Nisiros' on Italy
*N.M.S.'s post (Norway)
*No hay estampilas
*Norddeutscher Postbezirk
*Norfolk Islands
*North Borneo 1883-1886
*North Borneo 1887-1894
*North Borneo 1893-1910
*North Borneo 1911 onwards and miscellaneous
*North German Federation
*North Ingermanland
*Northern Nigeria
*Northern Rhodesia
*Norway (Norge) 1855-1877
*Norway 1878-1920
*Nossi-Be, postage due stamps
*Nova Potuca (bogus issue)
*Nova Scotia (Canada) 1851 issues
*Nova Scotia 1860 issues
*Nuremberg (private post Germany)
*Nutter (Canadian stamp dealer and forger)
*Nyasaland (British)

*Nyassa (Portuguese)